Lamela rabona goal video

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We need, IDK, Giovani Lo Celso to do a backheel nutmeg half-volley off of a corner kick at Stamford Bridge while flipping home fans the bird or something. Make the other clubs come and take the Puskas away from us. That rabona goal in a North London Derby rules.

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Others are going to say it’s stupid to celebrate a team winning consecutive FIFA The Best individual awards like it’s somehow important. Asteras Tripolis in 2015 is better, and that didn’t even get NOMINATED for a Puskas. Erik Lamela wins Premier League Goal of the Season award for his stunning Rabona against Arsenal in March Lamela gave Spurs the lead in the north London derby but ended up being sent off. The one he scored in the Europa League vs. What’s wild is that it’s not even the best rabona goal Lamela has scored in a Tottenham shirt.

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Last season, that award was taken by Son Heung-Min for his 90-meter dribble and goal against Burnley. It’s also the first time EVER that a player from the same club has won the award in consecutive years, even though Lamela has since been sold to Sevilla. It’s the second straight year that a Tottenham Hotspur player has won the Puskas Award, given to the person who scored the dopest goal in world football during a calendar year.

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